Senior Spotlight: Hannah Hopper is the daughter of Jeff and Andrea Hopper. After high school she plans to major in communication disorders at Arkansas State University to become a speech pathologist. When asked her thoughts on her senior year ending this way she said the following: "It is sad because we are all having to miss out on the things that we have been looking forward to our whole lives. All the school trips that I am used to going on during this time of year have been cancelled already, and I don’t get to have my last track season that I have been working towards for months. We are all just hoping we can still have prom and a graduation. One memory that I will remember forever about my time at Armorel was getting to go to FBLA nationals last summer with Alexis and Andrea. That was one of my favorite school trips. We placed fifth in the state in our competition, so we got to go to San Antonio, Texas to compete at nationals. While we were there, we got to go to Six Flags, tour The Alamo, and we stayed in a hotel looking over the Riverwalk. At the conference we got to meet people from all over the United States, and we even made friends with people from China and other countries. One of my favorite things about the trip was almost getting in trouble by the hotel staff and having to run back to the room." Congratulations Hannah!
almost 5 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
Elem parents: Construction has pushed our moving schedule to earlier dates. Students in grades KG-4th will need to collect their personal items from desks or lockers, Mon- Wed., April 13-15, 9:30 AM-1:30 PM.
almost 5 years ago, Joey Carr
Senior Spotlight: Tanner Davis is the son of Bryan Davis and Lana Smith. After high school, he plans to play college baseball. When asked how he feels about his senior year ending this way he said, "way? ​Unfortunate. It sucks not being able to play out my last high school baseball season and do all the fun activities that were planned for our senior class. The advice he has for incoming freshmen is, "​For incoming freshman, I want to leave behind a message for most. Enjoy every moment, It comes fast and it’s gone before you know it. To your parents, continue to be the baby and take a lot of pictures. You never know what will happen to them. Also, be involved in everything." Congratulations Tanner!
almost 5 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
t. davis
Senior Spotlight: Briley Miller is the daughter of Shannon and Mandy Millier. After high school she plans to attend Arkansas Northeastern College for two years then transfer to Arkansas State University to attend their Physical Therapy program. Her thoughts about her senior year ending this way: "It hasn’t hit me yet that my senior year is over. I have been at Armorel since the third grade and have grown up with my class. It’s hard not seeing them everyday and knowing that i’ll never get to sit through another class meeting with them is upsetting. When asked what the highlight of her senior year is, Briley said, " The highlight of my senior year will have to be winning the Pattye Woody Tournament at South Pem. All of it was exciting from watching our student section go crazy, to going up and receiving the trophy, to celebrating to “We Are the Champions” out on the court. That night was definitely the highlight of my senior year."
almost 5 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
Senior Spotlight: Ethan Bryant is the son of Nicole and Kenneth Warren and Brian and Tiffany Bryant. After high school he plans to work for Nucor. When asked how he feels about his senior year ending this way, Ethan said the following: " It's a double edged sword. I love not having to wake up until 2 p.m. everyday and not falling asleep till 6 or 7 a.m. every night, but not being able to sit at the lunchroom and tell jokes and laugh for 45 minutes straight or sit in Mrs. Speights class with CJ Tanner and Michael and get on her nerves for the whole class period everyday." The advice Ethan has for incoming freshmen is " Don't take highschool too seriously. Don't stress about the test coming up or trying to rush and finish the homework every night. It's one test and only one thing of homework stressing over it just makes it worse. That little grade for homework for the small 20 point test will not affect your grade in the long run so don't cry or pull your hair out trying to perfect every assignment." Congratulations Ethan!
almost 5 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
Senior Spotlight: Kylee DeWitt is the daughter of Tracey DeWitt. After high school she plans to attend Arkansas Northeastern College part-time and work part-time. Kylee's thoughts about her senior year ending this way, "I'm sad about my senior year ending this way because the last day of senior year for anyone should be a day that is remembered. I do not remember my last day of my senior year and it breaks my heart. I don't get to go on any of my last school trips that I have looked forward to for years. I won't get to sit in the library with the people I have grown up with and just joke around and talk. I wish this year could have ended differently, but it's life and the class of 2020 will definitely be remembered." When asked what one person she was always happy to see, Kylee said the following, "I am always happy to see Mrs. Sally Baker. She has been around to support me in any way she can. She has helped me through the bad days in my life and makes sure I'm always okay. She's hugged me when I've had breakdowns and always makes sure that I know that she's always there for me if I need to talk, a snack, or just a hug. I am forever grateful for her and couldn't have made it through the past four years without her love and endless support." Congratulations Kylee!
almost 5 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
Elem. parents, Mrs. Wyatt is currently hosting an online Book Fair. Free shipping to home with a $25 order April 6th - 17th
almost 5 years ago, Joey Carr
Elem parents please check for library book at home. Please return ASAP. Students may collect their personal items from desks or lockers, Mon-Thurs, 9:30 AM-1:30 PM.
almost 5 years ago, Joey Carr
Senior Spotlight: Madison Perez is the son of Shanea and Michael Massey. After high school he plans to attend ANC for two years to get his basics. After that, he plans to transfer to ASU to work towards a degree in athletic training. Madison's thoughts about his senior year ending this way: "I never thought in a million years that something like this would happen. We have worked so hard for the last twelve years for the end of our senior year to be stripped away from us. We had so much left to experience. I know the guys and I were really looking forward to the upcoming baseball season and for us to not even have a chance is really upsetting. I look back and I regret missing school all the time, but if i could go back and redo that I would. If I am being honest I do not even remember the last day of my senior year, and you are supposed to remember that. Anyways, I love all of my classmates and appreciate all of the help the teachers and faculty have done for us throughout the years and I hope that no other class will have to go through something like this." When asked about a moment he will never forget, he said the following: "I will never forget all of the baseball memories I have made with my teammates and coaches. Coach Brown and Coach Dobbs coached more than baseball. They coached us to be better men and how to carry ourselves, on and off the field. I am forever grateful for them and all of my teammates. I will never forget all of the hotel trips we had as well as the way we played during the postseason during my junior year. We have had some good runs as well as rough ones, but if there is one thing I have learned from Coach Brown and Coach Dobbs, it is not about how you fall, but it is about how you get up. I will miss these guys dearly and always have the uttermost respect for all of them. #14, out. Congratulations Madison!
almost 5 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
High school students are welcome to come clean out their lockers anytime Monday - Thursday between 9:00am to 2:00pm. Any questions please call the high school 870-763-7121.
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Hardesty
Governor Hutchinson announced today that School will remain closed for onsite instruction and the AMI process will continue for the 2019-2020 school year. We will release a schedule regarding the last day of AMI, the mailing out of report cards, and a specific date that you can collect your child's belongings that are on campus. We thank you in advance for your patience as we finalize our plans in addressing these issues. Please continue to be patient with us as we navigate through this trying and uncharted situation. Please contact us directly for any questions that you have. We would also like to reassure you that later we will have new dates for Prom, Senior Graduation, and Kindergarten Graduation AS THESE CEREMONIES WILL TAKE PLACE.
almost 5 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
Elementary and High School Staff email's have been added to our website. To access the list you can visit our website at: For any assistance you can contact Ashley Slaughter at
almost 5 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
Armorel School Events April 3-April19! #SocialDistancing #AMI #StaySafe #TigerPride
almost 5 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
Elementary parents & students, your first priority is to work in the core classes of literacy, math, science & social studies for credit & attendance. Special class work is for your personal enrichment.
almost 5 years ago, Joey Carr
IMG_6158.JPG Let's have a little fun! Keep that Tiger spirit alive this week and join us for #virtualspiritweek. Please post pictures/videos and tag us @ArmorelSchoolDistrict on Facebook or email to!
almost 5 years ago, Teresa Lawrence
Reminder that A. M. I. work is for academic credit & for attendance. Answers can be written on paper. Once completed, scan or take a picture of the completed work & email directly or send in Class Tag. Please return work to be graded on Monday of the following week.
almost 5 years ago, Joey Carr
Junior high students. Mrs Reynolds and Mrs Giffords work is not online you will have to pick it up today, or for those who live in the district it will be delivered tomorrow
almost 5 years ago, Teresa Lawrence
Armorel High School is open today til 6:00 p.m. for students to pickup work and books/drop off work. The bus will run at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday to drop off/ pick up student work. Your child will need to be waiting outside if you did not come to the school on Monday March 30th.
almost 5 years ago, Teresa Lawrence
With the return day to school being extended, Armorel School District will be mailing student’s 3rd quarter report cards out on Monday, March 30. If you have any questions or need to speak with your child’s teacher please email the teacher. If more clarification is needed the teacher can contact you via phone call. 2020 Senior Class: The State Department of Education has announced that any senior in “good standing” by the end of the third quarter and who has met all district requirements to receive a high school diploma will be considered “as meeting the graduation requirements.” Any senior who has a grade of 69% or below or who has missed more than 10 days in a course is not considered on track. Students in this situation must continue to complete course assignments and adhere to all deadlines. These expectations will continue on individual bases until the teacher/school/district validates requirements have been satisfied. Those attending classes at or through ANC must adhere to their policies. They are requesting students, seniors included, to continue working online.
almost 5 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
Juniors and Seniors. As of right now prom will be held on the 18th of April as planned. If we are told to remain closed we will move prom to another date. Seniors graduation is still planned for May 19th. Let’s stay calm practice social distancing and we will get through this together. I’m checking e-mail daily so please don’t hesitate to ask me questions. Don’t rely on rumors. Be safe I miss seeing you.
almost 5 years ago, Teresa Lawrence