It’s coming and we are excited! #1stdayofschool
over 4 years ago, Melissa Booker
It’s coming and we are excited! #1stdayofschool
Please complete the 2020 Census!
over 4 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
Cheerleaders 7th-12th need to have physicals done, please schedule these ASAP. Forms will need to be turned in to Mrs. Booker (any physical form that your doctor's office has will work).
over 4 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
Parents: Please fill out the survey using the link provided to aide our district in planning bus routes for the upcoming school year. Even if your child is not a bus rider, please fill out this form.
over 4 years ago, Michael Dobbins
The first day of school is coming soon!
over 4 years ago, Melissa Booker
The first day of school is coming soon!
UPDATED- Information for Students 7th-12th grade: Please use the attached schedule (attachment will not show via text, please see school website or Facebook page) to pick up finalized class schedules and Macbooks for the 20-21 school year. All students and parents will need to sign and return a Policy Acceptance Form. A Declaration of Instruction will need to be turned in for those wishing to utilize Armorel Virtual Academy. Also, those enrolled in college courses through ANC will need to see Mrs. Scott for Early College Orientation.
over 4 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
Shout Out to Mason Duren for being accepted to the Arkansas School for Math Science and Arts! So proud of you!!!
over 4 years ago, Melissa Booker
Shout Out to Mason Duren on being accepted to the Arkansas School for Math Science and Arts!  So proud of you!
Just purchased school supplies for 200+ students. We are excited for their return! Big SO to Blytheville Wal Mart & their support via The Community Grant!! Also thankful for Ark. Tax Free Holiday. @aestigers 🐅🐾🐾🐾
over 4 years ago, Joey Carr
Arkansas Sales Tax Holiday will be August 1-2, 2020.
over 4 years ago, Joey Carr
The Armorel School District would like to reiterate that our top priority is the safety of our students, staff, and community. With this said we ask that you please take the precautions necessary and recommended by Governor Hutchinson in wearing a mask while on campus where six feet of social distancing is not applicable. Thank you for your understanding during these trying times.
over 4 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
Armorel Elementary Registration 2020-2021
over 4 years ago, Joey Carr
The Armorel High School Class of 2020 Graduation ceremony will be live streamed via YouTube tomorrow morning at 10:00am for those unable to attend. You can access the stream at:
over 4 years ago, Armorel School District
The Governor announced yesterday that schools would not start back until August 24. Please know the Armorel School District is working diligently to protect the safety of our students and staff while also planning “back to school”. The staff has been working hard to plan for any scenario. Currently, our plan in summary, is to provide parents/students a choice with a nine week committee of either full on line institution or five day a week face to face instruction. More detailed information will be forthcoming, but please be patient and understand that this is a fluid plan and can change.
over 4 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
Juniors and Seniors who would like to take Early College Classes from ANC in the fall, please contact Mrs. Scott to get enrolled. She is in the office on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 7-4. You may contact her at (870) 838-9904 to set up an appointment to test or enroll.
over 4 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
Registration dates for new, returning, and accepted school choice students are as follows: Elementary: July 27- July 30 (Grades and Times to be released at a later date) High School: July 14-July 16 (See attached schedule) Returning students: 2 proofs of residency (gas, water, electric bill). New students will need to bring: 2 proofs of residency (gas, water, electric bill), Birth Certificate, Social Security Card, Shot Records, and Transcripts. Accepted school choice students will need to bring: Acceptance Letter, Birth Certificate, Social Security Card, Shot Records, and Transcripts.
over 4 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
High School Graduation Information
over 4 years ago, Teresa Lawrence
Graduation letter
Congratulations to Hannah Hopper on making the competitive and sideline cheer teams at Williams Baptist College! We are proud of you! Good Luck!
over 4 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
Armorel Baseball is proud to announce that 2020 Graduate CJ Simmons has committed to further his education and playing career at Three Rivers Community College! Congrats CJ!!
over 4 years ago, Michael Dobbins
The Armorel School District is in the process of planning for next year. As always our goal Is to keep Your child safe. Please use the link to complete the following parent survey:
over 4 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
The Armorel School District is in the process of planning for next year. As always our goal Is to keep Your child safe. Please use the link to complete the following parent survey
over 4 years ago, Teresa Lawrence