Eat School Lunch! #NSLW18 #lots2love
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Barbaree
school lunch
Come out tonight and watch our boys' basketball teams take on Marmaduke. Enjoy our Elem. Cheer Clinic as they perform between the Jr. and Sr. High games. #pinkout #noonefightsalone #wewearpink
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Barbaree
Pink out
Ready for All Region. They sound amazing. Can’t wait to find out. #singingmakesmehappy #beautifulvoices #ourschoolrocks
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Barbaree
Mr. Abbott and his choir students.
Check out next week's events! #seeyouthere #markyourcalendar
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Barbaree
Oct.13-20 Events
When students improve their attendance rates, they improve their academic prospects and chances for graduating. #attendancematters #gotoclass #schoolisfun #wewantyou #practicegoodhabits
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Barbaree
Come read with us! We’re here until 8. #teenreadweek #readunderthestars #smores
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Barbaree
Reading under the stars.
Elem. Book Fair this week! Today 3:15-5:00 Muffins with Mom. Tomorrow 7:00-8:00am Danishes with Dad.
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Barbaree
Book Fair
“Read under the Stars” 10/8 6p.m.- 8 p.m. at AHS. 7-12 grade bring a book, blanket, and flashlight to celebrate a night of reading. Parents are welcome! #smores #welovetoread
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Barbaree
Read under the Stars
Tiger Tail Gate is tomorrow, Oct. 5th, 3:30-5:00. Elementary students must be accompanied by their parent. They will not be allowed to walk over. HS classes will be hosting games & a concession stand. Jr. Girls' game starts @ 5:30 with Jr. Boys, Sr. Girls & Sr. Boys to follow.
over 6 years ago, Joey Carr
Tiger mascot
Elementary students @ArmorelSchools collected bottled water & Gatorade for Blytheville & Armorel FD 🚒!! Thanks for serving & protecting our communities!! @aestigers
over 6 years ago, Joey Carr
Armorel FD
Blytheville FD
Let’s eat AND play in the cafeteria! #HSkidslikeUNO #innovativethinking #schoolisfun #yesthatsfoosball
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Barbaree
Foosball fun!
How many words can you make?
Sen. Dave Wallace tells us what freedom means to him. #celebratefreedomweek #takeyourlegislatortoschool
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Barbaree
Coach Brown’s History class
1st grade
6th grade
Armorel Elem. 5th grade
Rep. Monte Hodges stops by for Take Your Legislator to School Month #canwepassabill #ourvoice #teachingthemearly
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Barbaree
$6 Billion budget, half is for K-12 Education
Thanks for teaching us!
Speaking against the bill
Ms. Davies class
AHS Cheerleading Team would like to thank all who helped support them by purchasing Boston Butts. Remember that pickup will be Saturday 9/22/2018 @ Bethany Baptist Church in Gosnell.
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Hardesty
AHS Cheerleading Team
Way to go! DAR award winning projects #ourstudentsrock
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Barbaree
DAR Award winning projects
No School Tomorrow - Friday, Sept. 14
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Barbaree
Reminder-No School Friday, Sept. 14
SENIORS-Ms. Blythe Gillian from ANC will be at the High School Library Sept. 19 at 1:00 to discuss College Knowledge. #putitonyourcalendar #bethere #offyougo #college
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Barbaree
Student requested Meatball Subs, ala cart pickle fries.... yummo! #iloveourcafeteria
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Barbaree
Student requested Meatball Sub, ala cart pickle fries = yummo! #iloveourcafeteria
Don’t forget: Tuesday, Sept. 11 and Thursday, Sept. 13 3:30-6:30 Parent Teacher Conferences See you there!
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Barbaree
Parent Teacher Conferences
Booster Club Announcement
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Barbaree
Basketball Season is coming!