Eat School Lunch! #NSLW18 #lots2love

Come out tonight and watch our boys' basketball teams take on Marmaduke. Enjoy our Elem. Cheer Clinic as they perform between the Jr. and Sr. High games. #pinkout #noonefightsalone #wewearpink

Ready for All Region. They sound amazing. Can’t wait to find out. #singingmakesmehappy #beautifulvoices #ourschoolrocks

Check out next week's events! #seeyouthere #markyourcalendar

When students improve their attendance rates, they improve their academic prospects and chances for graduating. #attendancematters #gotoclass #schoolisfun #wewantyou #practicegoodhabits

Come read with us! We’re here until 8. #teenreadweek #readunderthestars #smores

Elem. Book Fair this week! Today 3:15-5:00 Muffins with Mom. Tomorrow 7:00-8:00am Danishes with Dad.

“Read under the Stars” 10/8 6p.m.- 8 p.m. at AHS. 7-12 grade bring a book, blanket, and flashlight to celebrate a night of reading. Parents are welcome!
#smores #welovetoread

Tiger Tail Gate is tomorrow, Oct. 5th, 3:30-5:00. Elementary students must be accompanied by their parent. They will not be allowed to walk over. HS classes will be hosting games & a concession stand. Jr. Girls' game starts @ 5:30 with Jr. Boys, Sr. Girls & Sr. Boys to follow.

Elementary students @ArmorelSchools collected bottled water & Gatorade for Blytheville & Armorel FD 🚒!! Thanks for serving & protecting our communities!! @aestigers

Let’s eat AND play in the cafeteria! #HSkidslikeUNO #innovativethinking #schoolisfun #yesthatsfoosball

Sen. Dave Wallace tells us what freedom means to him. #celebratefreedomweek #takeyourlegislatortoschool

Rep. Monte Hodges stops by for Take Your Legislator to School Month #canwepassabill #ourvoice #teachingthemearly

AHS Cheerleading Team would like to thank all who helped support them by purchasing Boston Butts. Remember that pickup will be Saturday 9/22/2018 @ Bethany Baptist Church in Gosnell.

Way to go! DAR award winning projects #ourstudentsrock

No School Tomorrow - Friday, Sept. 14

SENIORS-Ms. Blythe Gillian from ANC will be at the High School Library Sept. 19 at 1:00 to discuss College Knowledge. #putitonyourcalendar #bethere #offyougo #college

Student requested Meatball Subs, ala cart pickle fries.... yummo! #iloveourcafeteria

Don’t forget: Tuesday, Sept. 11 and Thursday, Sept. 13
3:30-6:30 Parent Teacher Conferences
See you there!

Booster Club Announcement