Reminder: Senior Night will be tomorrow, Friday, February 1st, between the JB and SG game. Come out and support our 2019 Seniors! #TigerPride #SeniorNight #classof2019
Class of 2020 raises money for Abby’s Dad, Tony Kennedy. Our kids are amazing. #huntingforacure #culture #lovebeyondmeasure #weareallfamily #inspiring
ASD is excited to welcome School Resource Officer Matthew Huckabay. He will be on campus starting Monday, Jan. 28. #keepourkidssafe #ourschoolrocks
Proud of our kiddos. They worked on analyzing their ACT Aspire interim data #ourkidsrock
Check out what's going on next week! #markyourcalendar #SeniorNight2019
Way to go Armore FBLA! 24 qualify for State and Sophomore Mayson Carr elected Vice President Dist. 2 #FBLA #growingleaders #ourkidsrock
We are 100 Days smarter at ASD! #thewondersoftechnology #100yearsold #learnsomethingeveryday #countingup
Kindergarten students @ArmorelSchools reading into whisper phones. #RISE @arstigers @SuptBarbaree
We are collecting Box Tops @ArmorelSchools elementary. Thanks for your support!! @aestigers @SuptBarbaree 🐅🐾🐾🐾
Armorel Elementary Boys and Girls Basketball Games for Thursday, January 24th, are CANCELLED!
Thank you School Board! Each member volunteers their time to make sure Armorel Schools are on top. Meet Mr. Eldon Carter. @ArkansasEd @ArkSchBdAssn #schoolboardappreciation2019 #weloveourschool
Reminder: No School Tomorrow. See you Tuesday, Jan. 22. #MLK2019
Next Week's Events. Remember NO School Monday
#markyourcalendar #MLK2019
Fourth grade students @ArmorelSchools creating Ooblek with their study of matter & Non-Newtonian Fluids in science. @SuptBarbaree @aestigers 🐅🐾🐾🐾
The @ArmorelSchool district will be closed Monday, Jan. 21, 2019, in observance of the Dr. King Holiday. @SuptBarbaree @aestigers @ArmorelPto
Thank you School Board! Each member volunteers their time to make sure Armorel Schools are on top. Meet Mr. Jeff Hopper. @ArkansasEd @ArkSchBdAssn #schoolboardappreciation2019 #weloveourschool
Shoutout to Jackson Welch & Andrew Quintanilla for representing Armorel at the Mississippi County Spelling Bee!! @aestigers @SuptBarbaree. @ArmorelPto. 🐅🐾🐾🐾
ASD and the Board want to wish Andrew and Jackson the best of luck at the county spelling bee today! #howdoyouspellthat #smartypants @aestigers
Thank you School Board! Each member volunteers their time to make sure Armorel Schools are on top. Meet Mrs. Angela Finley. @ArkansasEd @ArkSchBdAssn #schoolboardappreciation2019 #weloveourschool
Thank you School Board! Each member volunteers their time to make sure Armorel Schools are on top. Meet Mr. Jeff Hollingsead. @ArkansasEd @ArkSchBdAssn #schoolboardappreciation2019 #weloveourschool