2018-2019 Student 8x10 Composites are ready for pick-up!
about 5 years ago, Jennifer Hardesty
November 3rd- 9th School Events! #BUSYWEEK #MarkYourCalenders #Hoco2019 #LetsGoTigers #TigerPride
about 5 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
Thank you to everyone that donated/attempted to donate Blood with Red Cross today! Our district met the requirements for the Step One Blood Drive. #BloodDrive #Red Cross #savealife #ArmorelRocks
about 5 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
Please see anyone from Junior Class of 2021 to purchase tickets now! #ArmorelAlumni #showyoursupport #classof2021
about 5 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
alumni games
Thursday games have been moved to Friday, November 1st. 7th, JB, SB vs. Bay starting @ 5:00pm (HOME).
about 5 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
Game schedule for Marmaduke Jr. High Invitational Tournament. If our JB advance tomorrow, 10/26 they will play BIC Monday, 10/28 @ 7:15. #LetsGoAJH #TigerPride
about 5 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
JH Tourn
October 28th- November 1st School Events! #MarkYourCalenders #RedRibbonWeek #SayNOtoDRUGS #HappyHalloween #BloodDrive
about 5 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
Shout out to Abby Kennedy! Great job on you electric bus presentation to Nucor
about 5 years ago, Teresa Lawrence
October 19th-26th School Events! #MarkYourCalenders #RedRibbonWeek #SayNOtoDRUGS #BasketballSeasonBegins #LetsGoTigers
over 5 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
We just want to inform everyone that we are having some technical difficulties with our phone lines. We are aware of the problem and working to get this fixed. If you are needing to make contact with Elementary or High School for any reason, please feel free to email Ashley Slaughter at aslaughter@armorel.k12.ar.us. She will direct your message to the appropriate party. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.
over 5 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
Armorel High School students enjoyed an afternoon with Carla Killough McClafferty. Thank you for sharing your books with us.
over 5 years ago, Teresa Lawrence
Coach and Carla
Carla reading
Briley, Carla, and Matthew
October 12-18 Weekly Events! #MarkYourCalender #teenreadweek #basektballjamboree #LETSGOTIGERS
over 5 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
Shout out to our AJHS and AHS Cheerleaders for Cheering for a Cure last Saturday, October 5th! Great job girls! #cheerforacure #ajhs #ahs #cheerleaders
over 5 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
Armorel Tiger Basketball 2019-2020 Season Passes will be on sale Friday, October 11th-16th. Passes will be good for all Home games. Standard prices are going up for the 2019-2020 season: Adult admission will be $5 and Student admission will be $3. Season Pass Pricing is listed below. Please contact High School Principal, Mrs. Teresa Lawrence to purchase your Season Pass. Adult pass: $60 Student pass: $30
over 5 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
Libby Van Dyke & Bella Smith found & turned in a lost wallet. #building character 🐅🐾🐾🐾💯🏆 @aestigers
over 5 years ago, Joey Carr
UPDATED: This week's events! #markyourcalendars
over 5 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
Congrats to our 2019 Homecoming Maids
over 5 years ago, Teresa Lawrence
Homecoming maids
Congratulations on being accepted to UCA Michael Peterson!
over 5 years ago, Melissa Booker
Congratulations Michael Peterson
Attention Senior Parents
over 5 years ago, Melissa Booker
Attention Senior Parents
The Armorel School District would like to give, Sophia Jackson a shout out to thank her for her generosity. Mrs. Jackson donated several items to our school nurse to disburse to students as needed. Thank you for thinking of our District and for your support!
over 5 years ago, Ashley Slaughter